Worship is the most important part of our common and individual lives. We are often called “the people of the book” because we value common worship, the act of worshiping together as God’s people. We even have a book called The Book of Common Prayer (1979) that is full of orders of worship and prayers for all occasions. We believe that it is through our common life that we are gifted by God for a life of service to him and others.

Whoever you are and wherever you might be on your spiritual journey, we hope your experience at St. John's will encourage and strengthen you. Most of our services can be found in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer

Every Sunday we worship as a community at 10 a.m. The service has roles for children and people of all ages are welcome to participate. A coffee reception follows the service. 

You are always welcome here. 

See This Week’s Readings   
